Bos Nostrum S.L. en el marco del Programa de Iniciación a la Exportación ICEX Next, ha contado con el apoyo de ICEX y con la financiacióno del fondo europero FEDER. La finalidad de este apoyo es contribuir al desarrollo internacional de la empresa y su entorno.
Proyecto de ampliación de instalación fotovoltaica aislada de 10 kw con baterías de ion litio (93,6 kwh) que suministra energía eléctrica a una bomba de agua que abastece una granja de bovinos. La subvención concedida ha sido de 30.047,37 €.
Feeding honestly
People working to provide quality food to people.
Our model
We work honestly to offer a high-quality product made in Spain. For this reason they trust us.
Traditional method
The most important thing is to show respect and care for everyone involved in the process. The people who make up this project love our work and care for animal welfare.
Family production
More than 25 families from our community collaborate with us in a business model to which they are committed. They are professional women and men who live on the farming and livestock sector and strive to develop an activity that makes a sustainable lifestyle.
Animal welfare
We have created a comfortable setting for the development of our activity and we respect the environment as the home of our animals. In addition, we have a strong commitment with the environment by trying to keep our ecological footprint to a minimum.
A change of model
We are aware of the new consuming habits and needs of society, and in order to offer a product of the highest quality, we are developing and implementing new concepts in our livestock production.
Social Purpose
Our greatest satisfaction is to put our human value to offer a healthy product. The fruit of our work is the satisfaction of those who trust us.